I've been busy canning my blackberry crop. I've made Blackberry butter and Blackberry Peach chutney....still more blackberries to be cooked up!

BUT...I still have time to sew...
I love these free bags. My husband picks them up at conventions, some I receive as "freebies" from local shops, and some are given to me (hoping they'll be returned once they are made over.)

There are sooooo many out there right now, and most of them are free (or are only a couple of dollars if you HAVE to buy one.)

Most of the bags come with a logo on one side and the back side is usually blank (a few have two sided logos.)

I like to sit with a stack in the evening, turn on a good movie, and rip them open. Some I will rip completely open to remake the whole bag, others I rip open just the area I want to insert fabric. Sometimes I'm not sure what will happen until I take them into the sewing room...so I'll just rip them all apart!

This simple Kroger bag received a layered pocket over the logo area, and I totally covered the back. There was already a small zipper pocket inside (bonus) so no inside pockets were added.

Instead of sewing the black bias back onto the edges, I used a light pink to give it an accent.

This pink breast cancer bag received a pocket from vintage tablecloth fabric on both sides and a lining was added to the inside.

This purple bag I received from a Quilt shop opening. I also used vintage tablecloth fabric This bag was rather long, so it got an inside pocket of the same tablecloth fabric and an outside pocket. I re-used the purple bias tape for putting the bag back together, and used a light purple bias tape for the upper edge for the lace trim.

This cute green back has left over rick rack on top of vintage tablecloth fabric, and a small bit of leftover trim. I actually think this is once of my favorites (and I'm not fond of green!)

This cute bag was already lined with a waterproof fabric, so I only added the vintage trim around the top (to hide the snap I added) and used a pretty piece of embroidery to cover the logo on the pocket. I did not cut this bag open, only stitching through all to add the decorative pocket. I can't believe how many people stop me to ask about this bag!

Like I said...there's no reason "GREEN" can't be pretty. I can take my new "cute green" on my next shopping trip to the Farmer's market.

So...go green yourself. I'm sure you have your own bags you can pretty up!