Welcome to Hotel Love in Purcell, Oklahoma...better known today at Butler's Antiques.

The Hotel Love is a sixty-three room hotel that was constructed in 1895 and opened for business in March of 1896. It is a great example of turn of the 20th century hotels. Today, it is a very close resemblance to the original state the building was when it was first constructed.
The owners, Jerry and Elaine Butler, have done extensive restoration work to ensure the property looks authentic to its original condition. Modifications had been made to the hotel; a brick front was added, a drop ceiling when it was converted to a store, as well as a variety of other changes. These modifications were removed, and the Butler's restored the building to its original condition.
The Butler's have truly taken this building on as a work of love. They have registered the property with the National Register of Historic Places.
We didn't arrive in Purcell until late in the afternoon, and entered the store at almost 5:30 pm (they close at 5:30). I was across the street when my husband called and said I "must" come see this place before they close. I left the Antique store I was shopping in (they stayed open until 6:00) and dutifully came across the street to see what all the fuss was about! AND what a fuss it was!
The building itself outside is beautiful, especially the brick detailing and the large covered porches on the front.
Every detail was completed with thoughtful consideration of the original construction.
Upon entering the store, I felt I had stepped back in time. The ambiance and feel of the store was warm and welcoming.
Mr. Butler stated they found the ceiling when they pulled off the "new" ceiling.
The details are beautiful.
You can see the grandeur that was once Hotel Love. Imagine well dressed ladies and gentlemen coming down the stairs in their best attire.
Upstairs you can see the long hallway and all the rooms that connect via the hall.
Each room is set up in a pleasing arrangement, and the items in the room are arranged either according to color, theme or vignette. There are no vendors in this Antique Store - every item is purchased by the Butler's with you in mind. The prices are exceptional! (BARGINS!)
This room was set up as a dining room with table, chairs, dishes. Very welcoming.
Lots of kitchen items...
A bedroom with many fine linens and accessories.
There was so much to look at and enjoy as I roamed through each room.
Back downstairs we realized it was past 6:30 pm. The Butler's were more than gracious and allowed us to shop, take pictures and generally pester them with questions regarding their "home". There is a "renovation" book you can look through to see the complete project from start to finish.
The Butler's live in the back of the store (through the door in this picture). I can only imagine the pleasant setting that they've created for themselves behind that door.
We were sorry to go. Jerry and Elaine were the perfect host and hostess. Gracious and generous. If you are ANYWHERE near Purcell stop by and see for yourself...and if you're not close...drive off the highway and get there!
And, before I forget...Elaine makes some beautiful tatting. I bought it all (HA! I WISH!) I did buy enough to use on some of my pillows and various other items. I'll be sure and point it out to you when I use Elaine's tatting, so stay tuned...it's beautiful.
Well, I hope you enjoyed the Butler's and their Antique Home and Shop. I'm only sorry now I didn't take a picture of them so you'd recognize them right away. Guess I'll have to go back.
Their address is 200 W Main
Purcell, OK 73080
Well, tomorrow is Kitchen Love in Oklahoma.
Till then....debi