
Monday, October 10, 2011

Celebrate Rest!

Research shows that the average person is working much longer hours today because we can literally work from anywhere. Our technology allows us to stay in constant contact with others, which means we are always on call. Unless we intentionally set boundaries, we will never rest from our work.

But...what if we were to think about "rest" differently...not just the absence of work but instead as the presence of a Person? 
Jesus did say “Come to Me, all you who are weary….”
I read somewhere that the word "rest" is actually closely related to the word "celebration".  Who doesn't want to celebrate.  Wow...that puts a whole new light on the word rest!

Just think..what if God’s invitation to rest is really an invitation to joy—liiving life to the fullest?

 Last week I "celebrated" rest!

I celebrated with giggles and laughter!

I celebrated nature!

I celebrated leisurely dinners on the beach.

I celebrated time with my grand kids!

We all celebrated leaning new and interesting facts about historical sites.

We celebrated alien houses...

and the "googly-eyed" guy who watches the door!

Before I left home I looked forward to time with my daughter just laughing and enjoying being together.
While away I was able to enjoy listening to my grandchildren as they talked to each other and just laughed for no reason.
Taking the extra time to listen and hear my husband's heart.
Putting fun things we all looked forward to on our "to do" list each day.
Turning the pages of my novel just for the joy of experiencing a great story.
Pushing pause on my life so I could rest and recharge.

I was able to enjoy time in God's Word, which the Bible says is a light for our path in life.  I took time to journal what He's telling me and what I'm learning about life.
Time to pour my worries and anxieties out to Him, then leave them at His feet.
Time to press into Him so I can hear His voice above all the others in this loud, busy world. Stepping out of the rat race and worshiping Him with abandon...which always lightens my load.
Time to dream dreams and solidify plans.
I accepted the Lord's invitation to joy and rest,
and I celebrated life last week!!
Now...guess it's back to work, but feeling refreshed and ready!
Till tomorrow...

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